why wouldn't you?!?!
i am making one (or ten) of these. and i don't care what you say/think/whateves, they are not just for kids. from super simple, to incredibly ornate, how fun would it be to have one of these in a little hidden corner of your house? soooo fun-that's how fun.
what's that? oh, you want one too. word. here's how to make your own for about $50.
what you'll need:
(5) - 11/16" X11/16" X 8ft wooden poles // twine // hand held drill // tape measure // pencil // scissors // 9X12 of fabric or cloth that you love // 10 count grommet packet with kit // boot string bundle
structure-how you'll do it:
1. measure and use a pencil to center mark 18" from the top of all your wooden poles 2. drill a 1/4" hole through each marking on all of your wooden boards 3. string your twine through each hole, tying a knot on each board as you go. 4. stand your wooden poles up, align the holes and tie with a loose knot 5. begin spreading the poles out, positioning each one to create your preferred width and height 6. once you have the teepee shape you want, wrap the top of your teepee with twine as many layers as you need to tightly secure
cover it-how you'll do it:
1. fold your tarp lengthwise. measure and mark about a 60" radius from the corner of the folded edge, creating a semi-circle. then cut along that line, creating a collar to fasten around the top of your teepee structure 2. wrap your tarp (right side out) around your teepee structure about 60" from your twine fastening 3. safety pin the opening shut (or have your helper hold) in position while you draw a line marking your preferred length all the way around the bottom of your painter's tarp 4. cut along your marked hem 5. starting at the top of your opening, add 5 grommets on each side 6. wrap your tarp around your structure, then string your boot strings through your grommets to secure your closure 7. add a cute rug or blanket and lots of pillows for comfy lounging
visit here for the super-easy how-to with pictures.
can't wait for some major cuddle time in our at-home teepee.

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