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i'm rather obsessed with do-it-yourself crafts as you might've gathered by this point. i recently popped into my favorite local fabric shop in denver, fancy tiger, and decided to take a stab at making bloomers for some of the sweetest little peanuts that made their way into the world this year. miss zadie jane, ophelia, and the newest love of mine, miss elizabeth dawson.

to my delight, i stumbled upon the most fabulous designs while perusing for patterns, and i'm more than excited to get started. check out these terrific little creations... they remind me of drool worthy wallpaper patterns-and with that, you've got me hooked. wallpaper and baby bloomers-why wouldn't i? 

so go on dear ones. do something creative everyday-why not start today? loves. 

(ps-head here to swoop up some of these adorable duds for yourself)

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