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« it's.a.lust. | Main | small spaces. »

we'll all float on...

one of our favorite things about the house we own, are the exposed brick walls-they cover one side of the entire home and are always one of the first thing people notice when they visit. i don't know if it's the unfinished, yet finished look they project, or the history they've seen. but whatever it is that attracts me to them is moot. all i know, is that i'd hate to cover them up. 

and yet, the problem remains-what to do with all the stuff we have? i've ammassed a huge collection of books over the years. and few things bother me more than throwing them away. i am one of those weirdos that reads, and re-reads old books all the time.

the answer: floating shelves. it's so easy, and so lovely, and so, well, just, go get them. you'll never look back...


happy tuesday dear ones.


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