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so. i'm not super great at gardening. or keeping things alive. i once watered an silk plant for two weeks before i realized it wasn't real. yeah, so that's me. BUTTTTTTT. it doesn't mean that i dont WANT to be a good gardener. in fact, it's one of my top priorities. i yearn to make a salad, or salsa, or meal comprised of only things i've grown in my backyard. and honestly, i have no excuse not to be better at it. so this is it. this, this is the year. i will conquer my fear of bees, my general malaise, and get out there.

but i mean first, i probably need to buy all these sweet accessories. i mean, a painter doesn't show up without their paint and canvas, a sculptor without his clay and tools, a welder, well, whatever they use to weld with. you get my drift. as soon as i'm fully equipped, it's on. 

you and me, colorado, we're gonna grow something together. 

outdoor umbrella stand | Treasure Garden outdoor umbrella stand | Sunnylife |Metal Watering Can | 2017 Paradise Gardens | Organic Cilantro Herb Garden In A Bag | Multi Flower Oval Trowel



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